We have been boosting franchisee success rates since 1998

Would you like to find a way to profile franchisee candidates accurately?

Let us show you how you can effortlessly improve your franchisee success rates with our unique range of profiling tools. Tools that predict how well a franchise candidate will eventually perform.

You may have tried various methods of improving your franchisee selection process. You’ve probably looked at recruitment profiles. You’ve looked at matching the candidate to your culture. You’ve attempted to match previous experience with your business. And if you’re like other franchisors, you’ve found that none of this has helped.

Our research has proven that attitudes – not personality – are the best predictors of franchisee performance. Beliefs, not personality – drive results. By measuring beliefs and attitudes, we can predict how well a candidate will perform with a minimum 92% accuracy.

Choose the Profile that's right for you...

The FranchiZe Predictor

Our long running franchisee candidate profile with proven ability to predict a candidate’s future performance across the seven dimensions that are critical for franchisee success. Typically used about 70% of the way through your recruitment process. Validated by university research programs and proven in the real world by leading franchisors across multiple countries for decades.

Read more about The FranchiZe Predictor here

Dynamic Franchisee Assessor

The Dynamic Franchisee Assessor is used as a de-selection tool, typically used near the start of your recruitment process. It’s designed to be the “first-cut” assessment of whether the candidate has what it takes to be successful as a franchisee. It is not as detailed as The FranchiZe Predictor profile. The DFA is a fast and easy way to pre-screen prospective franchisees, and we’ve made it easy on the budget as well.

Read more about theDynamic Franchisee Assessor here

Franchisee failure is expensive... consider the costs!

Franchisee failure is expensive, every failure is likely to cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars in direct out of pocket expenses. Plus additional costs in terms of:

  • - Aggravation
  • - Lost opportunity
  • - Brand damage
  • - Distracting you and your staff
  • - Unflattering media exposure
  • - Potential legal action

Plus, every candidate is trusting you to make the right decision….they’re investing a significant sum in your business. In many cases, their entire life’s savings.

Can you afford to keep on using selection techniques that have little chance of predicting franchisee performance? Going strictly by “gut feel”…. using the “they have money” test…. or trying to adapt something never designed for franchisee selection.

Now is the time to try what great franchisors are already doing.

Simple to use...

Send invites > Complete Profile > Receive Report

Incorporating our profiles into your recruitment process is simple.

All profiles are administered online. Simply enter the candidate’s contact details and the system sends an “invitation” by email to the candidate. Alternatively, if you are a FranchiZeManager (FZM) user you can send invitations from the top of a Candidate record within FZM.

Once the candidate has completed the questionnaire, an e-mail is sent to everyone on your distribution list within seconds advising that the profile has been done. Attached to that e-mail is the candidate’s report in a secure format.

You might be thinking… “Sounds good, but what’s the catch?”

Quite simply, there isn’t one. To prove this we can provide you a demo account where you trial a profile for free to understand exactly how the profile works in action. We suggest you complete a profile yourself so you understand how easy it is for you as a franchisor to administer and also for the franchise candidate.


Franchisees and Candidates assessed over the last two decades


Independent studies on the accuracy of
The FranchiZe Predictor


Companies use
The FranchiZe Predictor to select better Franchisees

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