Since 2015 Smartline has used the profiles as a key part of our new franchisee selection and recruitment process. We find the insight provided is a valuable contribution to our selection criteria and onboarding/training process. It is simple to administer, integrated with our FranchiZeManager solution and the reports are easy to understand with clear recommendations.
We have found the program very helpful and informative in analysing individuals for the challenges of Franchising. We had previously relied on extensive interview techniques and a lot of “gut feel”.
This program (the FranchiZe Profile) enables us to now be very confident about the appointment and selection of people for our growing business. This helps us improve the overall standard of our people and therefore our business as a whole.
Kevin Peterson
Managing Director Video Ezy International (New Zealand) Ltd.
The management team at Cookie Man are now much more comfortable when accepting a candidate because they feel they have a much better understanding of the motivations, drive, and attitudes of the candidate.
Warren Billett,
National Franchise Manager Cookie Man, Australia
Financial and business experience requirements are not that complicated to evaluate in a prospective franchisee. Background checks, too, are rarely cumbersome. Our challenge has always been evaluation of the candidate on the basis of “people skills” and “management style” to predict performance. We subscribed to the FranchiZe Profile to assist us in selecting franchise candidates that more closely resembled our most successful franchisees and to be more objective in the selection process. We’re extremely pleased with the results. One of the most beneficial results of the profiles has been the “training guide” which has been of tremendous assistance in tailoring training for the specific individual.
Mr. Phillip (Phil) M. Lewis, Jr,
Skyline Chili, Inc., U.S.A.
The FranchiZe Profile cuts to the essence of what we need to know about a franchisee. I would not hesitate to recommend it to other people.
Mr. Terry Odneal
Vice President Franchise Dev't Country Visions, U.S.A.
Franchisees we’ve accepted since then have had a sales increase of 38%
To help us identify if the profile is worth using, we've been tracking the progress of new franchisees that were placed in existing locations. We've found that the franchisees we've accepted since then have had a sales increase of 38% compared to the franchisee that was replaced.
Phil Horth
Dollond & Aitchison
Zarraffa's Coffee has been using the Hatch Profiles (The FranchiZe Predictor) to assist with our recruitment and assessment of candidates for almost 10 years. We find that the information gathered to be a valuable resource to our Franchisee selection.
Christine Allsopp
Zarraffa's Coffee
We use the franchise predictor at the final stages of new franchise selection. We have found this a valuable tool in both franchise selection and coaching of new franchises. The FranchiZeManager team are very supportive and responsive to requests for reports and also answering questions. I highly recommend the franchise predictor assessment as a step in the recruitment process.
Dan McNamara
G.J. Gardner Homes
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